The main weather and climate features of the northern hemisphere in July 2017

Air Temperature.

In the first decade of July European territory of Russia (ETR) kept the May-June colds. From north-west to Krasnodar district the new records of air temperature minimums were registered. The average decade temperatures became below the norm by 2-3°. Slowly but surely a warmth started to penetrate here only since the second decade. Initially the air in south of Russia in steppe areas of Northern Caucasus, in Low Volga and Black sea coast was heated up to 30-35°, and in some places it was more than 40°, in the end of decade the heat dominated in north areas of ETR, exceeded in Arkhangelsk region and Komi republic +30°. The resume of the second decade became the temperature norm in the most part of European territory, in the south and north it was exceeded by 2-3° and 2-6° respectively. At last, in the third decade all European territory of Russia, except Karelia, met the warmth. In the south it reached the record values, in some places exceeding 40°, and in the noticeable part of ETR the average decade temperatures exceeded the norms by 2-3° and more.



In the Urals and most part of Siberia in the first and second decades the cold weather was kept with new records of minimum temperatures. In the north of Far East this situation was kept since the end of the month, at the same time in the south of Siberia in 20th of the month it became substantially warmer. Especially one can note the south of Far East from Transbaikalia to Primorye. Here in the end of the month it was very warm. In Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and many other points the new maximum air temperature records were registered. The temperature anomalies of the first decade were +3-7°. Then in the middle of the month they decreased, and in the third decade from Yakutia to Okhotsk sea it was colder than usual by 2-4°.
The close to the norm air temperature became the resume of the month in the most part of the country, and only in several areas of North Caucasus, Russian North, Transbaikalia, Primorye, Khabarovsk district and Chukotka it exceeded the norm approximately by 2°, at the same time in Yakutia and Kolyma in some places it became below the norm by the same value.
The heat dominated in the east of Asia in July. In China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan the average monthly air temperatures exceeded the norms by 2-4°. In some places the new absolute temperature records for July were registered. So, in Shanghai on 21 July the temperature reached the highest value on the record, i.e. since 1872. Now the record is +40.9°. Chinese meteorologists noted that 12 highest values of the air temperature in this city have been registered over the last 5 years. The average air temperature in China in July repeated the record value, registered in 2010. In Japan the daily temperatures raised above +35°. It was informed on casualties of thermal shocks and sun strokes. 
In was hot in South-East Asia. In Hanoi and Jakarta the new absolute air temperature maximums were registered.
In India the air temperature became close to the norm. In the south it was at the positive, and in the north – at the negative background. 
In the end of the month in Central Asian countries the heat reached the extreme values. In the south of Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Uzbekistan the heat crossed the 40° border, and in Turkmenistan it stopped at 43-44° mark. The average monthly air temperatures in this region exceeded the norm in 2-3° and more.
Heavy heat spread to all Middle East. The air in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia was heated up to 48-50°. In Damask the new temperature record +44.1 was registered. Weather in Turkey was abnormally hot. In some places the air was heated up to +45°. The record temperature was registered in Istanbul. In all area the average air temperatures exceeded the norm in 2-5° and more.
It was hot in North Africa. The average monthly air temperature here became the fifth in the range since 1891. In Egypt and Algeria it became above the norm by 2-4°. In Cairo and resort area of Egypt at Red sea the new maximums of the air temperature were registered.
In West Europe, Central and in the most part of East Europe the average monthly air temperature became close to the norm or exceeded it to a little degree. With it in the south of the continent in Italy, Balkan countries, Greece and Cyprus the new maximum air temperature records were registered. At the same time, in the north-east of the continent (Baltic countries and Scandinavia) the month became colder than usual by 1°.
Air temperature in the most part of Canada and USA is close to the norm or insignificantly higher the norm. Only in the west of USA (states of Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Ontario, North and South Dakota) and partially in Alaska the last July is warmer the norm by 2-4°. The same one can say about the north of Mexico. In Alaska the last July is the third warmest on the record, in California, Utah, Ontario and Idaho the month is the fifth warmest. 
Although in the Northern Hemisphere in July there were a lot of territories with relatively cold weather – these are north of Yakutia, part of West Siberia, Urals, Volga area and Central Russia, Baltic countries, vast areas in all oceans, the Hemisphere average monthly air temperature has got 2-3 rank among the highest values since 1891, succeeding only to July of the last year.
In Moscow the average monthly air temperature is +17.9°, anomaly is -0.3°.The fourth month in the row (April – July) the average monthly air temperature is below the norm. The last July is the coldest one in the capital over the last 20 years.

Ocean Surface Temperature.

The sea surface average temperature anomaly (SST) in Pacific ocean, as well as in Atlantic one, is kept at the last level, i.e. near 0.5°. In equatorial latitudes of Pacific ocean the neutral phase of Southern oscillation is being kept, SST anomalies in El-Niño area are oscillating from -0.1° to +0.5°.
In Pacific ocean the abnormally warm water is steadily kept along the east coast of Asia from East-China sea to Bering strait, in some places exceeding +2°. In area of Indo-China the SST is below the norm.
In Atlantic ocean, as before, the negative SST anomalies are observed in middle latitudes from Canada to Ireland. Particularly large they are in Newfoundland area, reaching the absolute value 1° and more. Positive anomalies are observed in area of Gulf Stream and in the north of Norway and Greenland seas.
The sea surface of Barents, East-Siberian and Chukchi seas is heated very much (anomalies of SST are up to +2…+3°).


The most part of ETR, particularly North-West, Central and Volga Federal Districts have got in July the norm of precipitations and more. From time to time there were the heavy rains. So, in north-west they inundated Novgorod and Leningrad areas. In Novgorod over the last days of the month 118 mm of rain have fallen. Even all precipitations have fallen over the several hours. It has never been before. It is more than 1.5 of month norm, in total over the month 2.5 norms of rains have fallen. In Central Russia in Kursk, Tver, Smolensk, Ryazan areas over the day up to 35-40mm of rain have fallen. Record showers fell in Ulyanovsk area. And only to the south of ETR (South and North-Caucasian Federal Districts) have got a few precipitations. In Astrakhan area, Kalmyk republic, Ingush republic – it was only one third, in Stavropol region – less than half of monthly norm.
In general the precipitations norm was in Urals, except north autonomous regions, where they were less than usual. Roughly norm was in the most part of Siberia Federal District, in the south-west of which the heaviest showers were observed. The new record of daily precipitations was registered in Novosibirsk area – 152 mm. Only in the north of the region – in Taimyr and Transbaikalia there were a few of precipitations.
In Kamchatka, in south areas of Chukotka and Kolyma the monthly precipitations norms were exceeded, in the other territory of Far East Federal District it was the norm of precipitations.
In China a monsoon inundates so far the south and central provinces, where the monthly precipitations sums have set in some places 1.5-2.0 norms. In Hunan, Guangxi, Shenyang tens of million people suffered from landslides and floods, caused by the rains, two million were evacuated, there were hundreds of casualties. Monsoon did not reached yet the north-east provinces of the country, however, it is bustling in neighbouring Korean peninsula and Japan. Seoul over the first decade has already got a monthly precipitations norm, and over the month in the north, as well as in the south of peninsula the rains accumulated 3-4 norms. Japan has got 1.5-2 norms of precipitations. Bad weather dominated especially in Kyushu. In some areas over the day it was more than 500 mm of precipitations. Rivers overflowed their banks, the landslides occurred. More than half million people was urgently evacuated, it was informed on tens of casualties.
South-east monsoon rages in Indochina. Here from Vietnam to Myanmar from 1.5 to 3.0 of monthly norms have fallen. Prolonged showers caused numerous floods. In Myanmar they were the heaviest, it was information on casualties and evacuations of population. 
In central and north areas of India the strength of monsoon corresponds to the norm, at the same time in the east and west of the country it is substantially stronger because of precipitations quantity (from 1.5 to 3.0 of monthly norms). Precarious situation is in Assam state, where overflowed its banks Brahmaputra became a cause of casualties. At the same time in the south of the country is almost dry. Pakistan has got approximately a half of the precipitations norm. 
In the Middle East it was actually not the precipitations. The same situation was in the most part of Central Asia, except the north-east areas of Kazakhstan, where the precipitations have roughly set the norm.
In Africa a lot of rains fell to the south from Sahara. In some areas of Côte d’Ivoire, south of Mali, in Burkina Faso they exceeded the norm, and in other territory it was dry. 
The heavy rains in July were in all Europe. In Germany and Spain the norms were exceeded in some places in 2-3 times. It was informed on flooded streets and basements. In the east of the continent in Minsk it have fallen 77mm of precipitations over the day, which is 90% of monthly norm. In the west of Greece the daily precipitations norm exceeded 100mm. Approximately the norm of precipitations came to majority of the West European countries, one cannot say this about the south of the continent. In Italy, in the south of France, in majority of Balkan countries there were a few rains, as well as in Ukraine and in Scandinavian countries.
In the west of USA in states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California there is almost full absence of rains and abnormally high temperatures caused the mass fires. Tens of thousands of people urgently left their houses because of voracious fire. The same situation is in the west of Canada in British Columbia province. In the other territory of these countries the monthly precipitations have roughly set a norm, in the north-east of USA they exceeded the norm in 1.5-2.0 times. The rains caused the heavy flood in Illinois. In the capital of the state Chicago even the urgent evacuation was conducted. Showers in the south-west of USA provoked the heavy flood in the desert areas of Arizona. 
In Moscow the monthly precipitations sum has set 103mm, which is approximately the norm.